Our Director for our Professional programs is Chef Melina Puntoriero from Manuelina Culinary, an international culinary school that primarily operates in Italy. Melina has a team of Chefs under her wing, all accredited by the Federation of Italian Chefs, but more importantly they are highly skilled, innovators in their respective sectors and sought after globally by both corporate and private sectors of hospitality for their contributions to cuisine.
Together with her Chefs, Melina has written programs in the 5 major fields of Cuisine. Artisan Bread, Pasta, Gelato, Pastry, and Cuisine. It is a culmination of knowledge from professionals who are the top in their field and is continually updated to accommodate a highly competitive and forever changing industry. Although based primarily around the principles of Italian Techniques, it provides a perspective to Cuisine that can be effectively and simply applied in all areas of the globe.
Melina’s passion for cooking not only lies in the food itself, but for the respect for raw ingredients and the importance they play in menu development. In each program and class, an in-depth look at the raw ingredients needed to execute complete menus goes far beyond simple recipe repetition that we see in most schools. The teaching structure of all programs explores an in-depth analysis on the advanced techniques, chemistry and science behind both raw ingredients, techniques and methodology.
The programs combine both demonstration and hands-on methods that showcase contemporary and traditional plating techniques while adhering to the principles of taste, texture, flavour and nutritive value in cuisine. The aim is for each student to be armed with tools to better develop and evolve their own individual technique.